Friday, March 27, 2009

My first Liguus in Gumbo Limbo

My first Liguus fasciatus in Gumbo Limbo this year. A wonderful specimen!!

Liguus fasciatus SSC (Species of Special Concern) has a significant vulnerability to habitat modification, environmental alteration, human disturbance, or human exploitation which, in the foreseeable future, may result in its becoming a threatened species unless appropriate protective or management techniques are initiated or maintained.(pdf)

Photos by Juan C Aguero (juanKa)
Gumbo Limbo, Everglades National Park

1 comment:

Jose's World said...

Juan estas fotos son muy interesantes, no se ven muchas fotos de moluscos en los blogs. Mencionas los nombres cientificos que toma tiempo investigar. Que suerte de vivir tan cerca de los Everglades.