Monday, January 19, 2009

Wood Stork (Mycteria americana)

A large, white, bald-headed wading bird of the southeastern swamps, the Wood Stork is the only stork breeding in the United States. Its late winter breeding season is timed to the Florida dry season when its fish prey become concentrated in shrinking pools.(read more)
©2007 Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology

Wood Storks are designated an endangered species because of the declines in their population size

Photos by Juan Aguero (juanKa)
Everglades National Park
Cameras Canon 20D, 40D
Lens Canon 100-400mm L IS, 300mm L IS

1 comment:

Lisetg said...

eh, como? a mi me parecio que alguien dijo que las aves en vuelo no eran sus especialidad...jaja
